Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Future of Your PC's Hardware

The Future of Your PC's Hardware

Memristor: A Groundbreaking New Circuit

Since the dawn of electronics, we've had only three types of circuit components--resistors, inductors, and capacitors. But in 1971, UC Berkeley researcher Leon Chua theorized the possibility of a fourth type of component, one that would be able to measure the flow of electric current: the memristor. Now, just 37 years later, Hewlett-Packard has built one.
What is it? As its name implies, the memristor can "remember" how much current has passed through it. And by alternating the amount of current that passes through it, a memristor can also become a one-element circuit component with unique properties. Most notably, it can save its electronic state even when the current is turned off, making it a great candidate to replace today's flash memory.
Memristors will theoretically be cheaper and far faster than flash memory, and allow far greater memory densities. They could also replace RAM chips as we know them, so that, after you turn off your computer, it will remember exactly what it was doing when you turn it back on, and return to work instantly. This lowering of cost and consolidating of components may lead to affordable, solid-state computers that fit in your pocket and run many times faster than today's PCs.
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Cara Memasang Google Adsense

Cara Cepat Memasang Google Adsense Di Blog

Adsense adalah layanan periklanan milik Google, dimana Goggle bekerja sama dengan pemilik suatu situs web, blog, atau youtube untuk dipasangi iklan. Para pemilik situs tersebut nanti akan dibayar oleh Google dengan metode Pay Per Click (PPC). Agar mempermudah pembaca sekalian, selanjutnya saya akan mempersempit cakupan bahasan mengenai pemasangan Adsense untuk blog saja.

Bagaimana Google Adsense membayar anda? Google akan membayar anda tiap awal bulan jika pendapatan anda dari iklan Adsense sudah melebihi $100 tiap bulannya. Nah, untuk mereka yang belum mencapai $100 per bulannya, jumlah pendapatan akan diakumulasi hingga mencapai $100 dulu, baru nanti Google akan mengirimkan pendapatan di awal bulan berikutnya.
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Sunday, September 6, 2015